Impacting On Lives Of Less-Privileged Through Charity Organisations

All for one, One for all

IMPACTING positively on the welfare of the less privileged, the orphans and perhaps, the elderly requires a great deal of sincerity, love and care and most importantly, fear of God as well as to a very large extent, patient on the part of the particular individuals behind the initiative. Charity organisation, also known as non-governmental organisation is inadvertently, a very important result-oriented platform through which the desired and sustainable turning around of the lives of the needy in the society can be guaranteed. To a very large extent, it is a realistic instrument designed with the aim of rendering certain free services in the area of education, financial assistance and medical services for different categories of such individuals so as to give them a sense of belonging.

The alarming rate of poverty in our society today, in addition to the undesirable circumstances that surrounds many individuals, particularly the orphans and those that are suffering from one form of perpetual health deformity or the other, calls for passionate concern by the relevant government’s authorities, corporate organisations and well meaning individuals. In advanced societies like UK, India, America and the rest of them, issues bordering on socio-economic well being of the less privileged are always treated with utmost priority. Although, there may be several NGOs in Nigeria but the fact remains that not many of them keep to their conventional social responsibility of assisting the people with some challenges without attaching how much profit he or she stands to derive from it at the end of the day and this scenario strongly negates the aims and objectives of NGOs in totality. Non-Governmental Organisations are supposed to, as much as possible, put profit making agenda aside as they are established to bring the much needed succor to the people.


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