Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) at their 2020 Alumni gathering, Empowered To Empower Initiative (E2E) was invited, being the first local consultant to be engaged in their programmes in Nigeria, which has since been tagged “The most classically organized Palliative Distribution program in Nigeria” to the glory of God. A successful letter of completion was issued to E2E by KOICA, a letter of appreciation also was issued by the Piwoyi Community through the Chief Palace, the applauds were enormous as the beneficiaries could not hold back their joy as the programme met them at the point of their need and could not but pray for more impactful programmes from the Stables of KOICA & E2E partnership as they are guaranteed an impactful execution.

At 2020 Alumni Gathering, The importance of Local Contents as it affects development in a nation was highlighted and discussed. A case study of Nigeria and how positively involving Local Contents has helped KOICA achieve their goals and the way forward in Local contents acceleration in KOICA project.
Local contents as been defined as local resources utilized in the implementation of projects across national and sub-national sectors, can be referred to as local contents. The need for local content policy development first became prominent within the Nigeria Oil and Gas sector and this need was borne out the promotion of indigenous participation, the fostering of technological transfer and ensuring employment generation for all categories of Nigerians. The local content policy action started in 1971 through the establishment of the Nigeria National Oil Corporation (NOC).
Local Content Policies in Nigeria
On 5th February 2018, President Buhari signed Presidential executive order 5 for “planning and execution of projects, promotion of Nigeria content in contracts and science, engineering and technology”. Under the executive order, procuring authorities shall give preference to Nigeria companies and firms in the award of contracts in line with the Public Procurement Act, 2007. The order also directs Ministry’s, Department and Agencies to engage indigenous professionals in the Planning, Design and Execution of National Security Projects.
Importance of Local Contents
Essentially local contents is about securing direct and indirect opportunities for employment and procurements to home nationals, at the same time as fostering the development of local skills, technology transfer and use of local manpower and local manufacturing in capital projects.
Projects carried out by KOICA was also highlighted at the meeting such as the following:
- Palliative Distribution Programme ( June 2020 )
where KOICA and Empowered to Empower Initiative (E2E/Local NGO) implemented Palliative Distribution programme in Abuja to more the 300 household of Piwoyi Community of Abuja
- Webinar: Multimedia Education Acceleration during COVID-19
The webinar provided an avenue for knowledge sharing between KOICA and development partners for the formulation of the 2nd Phase Multimedia Education Project. The event was graced by the participation of Local ICT start-ups: KAD ICT Hub, Revocube, EAC, Digizens.
- The 2nd Phase Multimedia Education Project (Basic Design Survey/BDS)
- Project for the Establishment of a Nigeria-Korea Friendship Institute (NKFI) of Vocational and Advanced Technology (A Follow-up Support)
It was an indeed a gathering of the KOICA Alumni, the changemakers, not relenting in the service to humanity, making giant strides in the actualizing of not leaving anyone behind in the quest for a better life for every person placed on this earth, an act of inclusiveness.
Wishing everyone a promising 2021 programs.
Credits: KOICA, E2E.