All for one, One for all

  • Statistics by the UN say more than 700 million women are married as children (below 18 years of age). 
  • More than one in three or some 250 million are married before 15. 
  • Child brides are often unable to effectively negotiate safe sex, leaving them vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy. 
  • Every 10 minutes, somewhere in the world, an adolescent girl dies as a result of violence. 
  • In emergencies, adolescent girls are especially vulnerable to sexual violence, and in some cases, are abducted and exploited for sexual purposes by armed groups. 
  • Nearly half (44 per cent) of adolescent girls worldwide aged 15 to 19 think a husband or partner is justified in hitting or beating his wife or partner under certain circumstances.

What are you doing in your able capacity to mitigate these monstrously negative statistics?

Curled from: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2015/10/its-time-nigerians-speak-out-for-rights-of-girl-children-activists/ 

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