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IWD2024 #InspireInclusion

Executive Speech IWD2024

Esteemed colleagues and partners,

Gathered here today as part of the E2E Initiative, we mark International Women’s Day under the empowering banner of #InspireInclusion. It’s a momentous occasion to reflect on our collective journey towards equality while embracing the pivotal work that still lies ahead.

Beyond mere acknowledgment, International Women’s Day serves as a beacon of hope—a call to action for us all. As we stand on the precipice of progress, it’s imperative that we recognize the imperative of inclusivity. The essence of #InspireInclusion beckons us to create spaces where diversity thrives and every voice resonates with significance.

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For E2E Initiative, #InspireInclusion is more than a rallying cry; it’s our ethos. It’s about cultivating environments where every individual, regardless of gender, finds affirmation and opportunity. It’s about dismantling barriers and championing the rights of women and girls in every facet of our work.

As stewards of change, we bear the mantle of leadership with unwavering resolve. Let us heed the call to champion diversity within our ranks and across the landscapes we traverse. Let us be architects of environments where inclusivity isn’t just a goal—it’s the cornerstone of our endeavors.

In this pivotal moment, let us draw inspiration from the words of trailblazers past and present. Let us honor their legacy by redoubling our commitment to creating a world where women stand shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts, shaping the course of history with their brilliance and resilience.

In closing, let us embark on this journey with fervor and determination. Together, let us pave the way for a future where inclusion isn’t just a buzzword—it’s our reality.

Thank you.

Joy Anih

Founder E2E Initiative

Long live E2E Initiative !

Long live IWD !

Long Live Nigeria !


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