inteenational women's day 2022

International Women’s Day 2022

International Women’s Day 2022 !!!
Theme: Gender equality Today For a Sustainable Tomorrow!

International Women’s Day is observed annually on March 8 and celebrates the global “social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women”

The day also calls for action to lead the charge for gender equality.
This year’s campaign theme – #BreakTheBias asks the world to call out instances of bias against women in the workplace, at school and at home.
Knowing that bias exists isn’t enough, action is needed to tackle the issue,

For example, Young women from poor rural communities especially the less privileged women encounter challenges ranging from low-skill, low support, low productivity, and unpaid jobs to mention few apart from that 

is another issue of gender based violence, gender discrimination, work place harassment, etc.

These issues are capable of denying them the opportunity they need to become key players in sustainable and productive development.
What we have been doing as an Organization is Empowering more women and educating girls through our two correlative cardinal programs :

Invest In her, Girls for the future. with relevant skills, Mentorship, and support on how to become the best of who they want to be.

We do this because we believe that women empowerment is the bedrock upon which every woman can pursue her dreams and achieve her designed purpose!
Our message is clear, we want all women to be able to truly choose the lives they want to live and receive all the respect and support they deserve without any form of prejudice or Bias.

#IWD2022 #BreakTheBias #genderequality #womenempowement #climatechange #sustainability #nigeria #sdg5 #unwomen

– Joshua Obongha

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