E2E Initiative pays courtesy visit to Dr. Amina Aminu Dorayi

All for One, One for All

Friday the 1st of April, 2016 was yet another special day for the staff and management of E2E Initiative as we paid a courtesy visit to the Associate Deputy National Program Manager of Partnership for Transforming Health System 2 (PATHS2), Dr. Amina Aminu Dorayi at her Abuja office.

The visit which centered on cementing grounds for a beneficial relationship between her esteemed personality and our vision as an NGO was a success in all ramifications as the fantastic and Inspiring Dr. Amina Dorayi was not witholding in sharing her wealth of experience and Ideas with our team for the ultimate goal of positioning the E2E Initiative for greater achievements and success stories.

The highpoint of the event was the presentation of the letter of appointment as a Board Member of E2E Initiative to Dr. Amina Dorayi by our founder Joy Anih (Mrs), an Invitation Dr. Amina gladly and readily accepted.IMG_20160403_112504

In making the presentation, our Founder described how she felt drawn to the passion of Dr. Amina in the struggle for better health care for the rural communities of women left in neglect across the states of the country and believed that her expertise, personality and passion would be key to the goals and vision of E2E Initiative.

Dr. Amina expressed her profound joy to be a part of the Initiative and described in her words how elated she was to be able to contribute to and gear an Initiative which is not only laudible but sustainable in line with the Sustainable Development Goals as set globally. IMG_20160404_174551She encouraged every member of the E2E Team to sit up and be ready for challenges and impromptu lines of action as there is a lot to be done.  In conclusion, she thanked the founder for the privilege of becoming a part of building a sustainable Initiative for women empowerment and promised to do the best in her capacity to expand the horizons of the E2E Initiative.

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